Authors are invited to submit an abstract in English by Friday 17th February 2023.
Official Languages
The official language of the conference is English. The copy must be presented in English to a publishing standard. If your work is being translated please ensure that it is thoroughly copy read prior to submission.
A translation service will not be provided at the Conference, therefore, presentations must also be made in English.
– Friday 17th February 2023 – Deadline for submission of abstracts
– Friday 17th March 2023 – Notification of acceptance of abstracts (Issued by email)
An abstract condenses a proposed paper by summarising and highlighting its major points into 200 – 400 words. The abstract should be a written summary of work done on the project, what conclusions have been drawn and recommendations made as a result of the project.
Submitting an abstract
Please ensure that your abstract is displayed in the following order:
– Title
– Authors and Affiliations
– Abstract / Written Summary
– Conclusions / Results / Recommendations
It is important that the work is not of a commercial or advertising nature.
Please click on the link below to submit your abstract:
Papers & Presentation
Accepted authors are required to present a 30 minute presentation in English, in person, at the conference.
All participants including authors and speakers are expected to pay the registration fee.
If you have any queries please email